Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Trends Shaping Up the Mobile App Market in 2017

The number of mobile users is through the roof – experts estimate that over 3 billion people will own a smartphone by the year 2020. Over 50% of all the time, people spend on their smartphones is spent on apps, which is causing businesses worldwide attempt to engage their customers via apps. There are over 4 million unique apps on Google Play and Apple’s iTunes store combined, which is a number that will increase significantly over the next few years.

So what do all these statistics tell us? Mobile apps aren’t going away anytime soon, and 2017 is going to be a big year, with innovative technologies being used to keep customers engaged. Here are some of the top trends shaping the mobile app market:

Apps Making More Revenues Than Before

This year, applications are expected to make over $77 billion in revenues, a big increase over the $58 billion they made in 2016. Clearly, there has never been a better time to make money from software. 

VR and AR technology

Games like Pokémon Go made Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) popular around the world. This year, the technology will be found in all kinds of mainstream apps, including travel, messaging, and even some business ones. 

Chatbot Technology

Chatbots debuted over two years ago, but we expect them to gain mainstream appeal this year. It allows companies to deliver their products and services faster and provide a more personalized approach with significantly lower investments.

More Security

The majority of the most popular Android and iPhone apps have been hacked. Data and application security are a big concern, and we expect to see developers going to great lengths to ensure their products are as secure as possible, by using encryption and other techniques.


Finally, IoT and wearable tech will dominate this year. There will be a greater focus on the technology this year, and we’ll find it being implemented in industries like healthcare, education, security,  and the automobile industry.

Does your business own an app? If you don’t, you’re losing out. You can hire a dedicated app development team to make you one at an affordable price, in a short span of time.